Monday, September 24, 2012

Monkeys go to school

When trees are felled and lands are cleared for development, where do the monkeys go?

Answer ~ They migrate to school. (literally)

That was what happened in SK Permai Indah. There were some development projects around the neighbouring oil palm estate recently. The trees were chopped off to make way for a new housing project.

Previously, this secondary jungle was home to the monkeys. When bulldozers came, the monkeys were chased out from their homes. These monkeys then migrated to our school because they could find food and shelter here.

Last month, a troop of monkeys was spotted in our school premise. And these monkeys might pose danger to our students. Therefore, the Perhilitan rangers were called to help ‘chase away’ those monkeys.


  1. Hantar kera ke zoo...

  2. Monkeys come, monkeys go.
    Don't worry, Cikgu.

  3. Ni baru senang nak tunjuk contoh masa ajar Sains.....hehehe
